Joe, with Tony and me, installed a curtain drain between the house and the golf course. This drain starts at 4 1/2 feet deep (just below the hard pan) and goes down hill around the corner of the house. Then ties in with the apron drain we put in last spring. The drain has perforated pipe in the bottom, fabric on the up hill side and 6 mil solid plastic on the downhill side, then filled with gravel. So we now have 3 drain systems: the gutter drains, an apron drain at the footings and a curtain drain at the hard pan level. Water, water everywhere. With a automatic sump pump in the crawl space, we should have no more water problems.
Matt and Jeff installed the heat pump this weekend. But there was a problem in connecting it to the air handler. So we are heating the house using only the heat strips in the air handler. Just in time because the cabinets are coming in on Tuesday.