The electricians continued wiring and installing fixtures this week. Next week we will have to have them install the disconnect for the heat pump and connect the septic tank. The heat pump will be installed next weekend, and Joe will be starting the final excavation on Wednesday.
Joe will also be installing an additional drain field between the house and the golf course. The storms over the last few weeks identified a weak point in the house. John, from Paul's Electric, discovered water in the basement, about 2". And when I checked in the crawl space, I found about 6' alongside the basement wall. All the water draining off the course soaks into the ground to the hard pan then runs down hill across our property. Last spring when we dug the basement, we went well below the hard pan level, so all the water is accumulating around the basement. Even though we installed an apron drain around the footings, water is still coming into the crawl space, and with 6 feet of water pressure, is seeping into the basement. As you can see in the picture, the apron drain is working quite good. With Joe installing a rock drain field along the back of the house and out around the north side, most of the water will be diverted away. I also put a submersible pump in the crawl space to prevent any build up there.
Going south today. The bathroom vanity came into Sacramento, and I want to bring it up. Along with as many cases of wine I can load into the pickup.