All of the windows are in today. Some prefab reconstruction had to be done, the roughouts didn't always match the windows. Some were to large and some were to small. The master bedroom window is now a foot taller than it used to be, and the garage windows were made for a 6 inch wall. We have 4 inch walls in the garage. So some additional retro fit will have to be done.
Josh has diverted his crew to the other job for most of this week. The windows need to be sealed in, and he has a list of other tasks that need to be completed. So they should be back later this week. They still have another full day's work to be done.
Now I will be getting a new plumber, ordering the siding, and doing a lot of site clean up. In the meantime, we used "appearance grade" posts and beams on all of the porches and patio. They need to be stained and sealed. And the weather looks good for the rest of the week.