Last week, the rough-ins for the windows was completed, and tyvek (a moisture barrier for the exterior walls) was installed. Then on Saturday, we put on the roof felt (tar paper). So now the house is dried in. Last week and Monday, work was done on the stairs, so we can walk down without using a ladder. Also on Monday the rough framing for the fireplace and the tub in the master bath was done.
The windows, that were due last week, are coming in next Monday.
My plumber called me Sunday. He's injured his back, and won't be able to start right away. He could be out for anywhere from a week to 4 months. I will be checking with him this week.
I'm taking some time in Sacramento, this week. Eileen's dad, Ralph (Bud) Buamgardner, died last Friday. Bud was one of Tom Brockhaw's "Greatest Generation." A World War Two Vet, who served with distinction in India and Burma. Loved his wife and children. Sunday was Bud and Polly's 64th wedding anniversary, and the haven't been apart for a single one. He went to be with her.