Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Bit of a Set Back

All but two of the windows have been installed. The last two were not supplied by the window company, especially for the price I wanted to pay. We need to get the glass block for the shower in the master bath and the basement window. We are also ordering the front door next week, and we will be able to lock the house up. Might even be able to bring up the first shipment of wine to put into the cellar.

Last Saturday, I finished sealing up a couple of windows and was working on putting up some Tyvek on the house. Did a miss step on the ladder and broke my heal. Next week, I get my permanent cast, and find out how long I'm out of commission. First diagnosis, no weight on my heal for 3 months.

Josh will be working up a bid to do the siding, and I'm working with two plumbers for the rough in. So things will still be progressing. Just going to cost more than anticipated.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Windows Installed

All of the windows are in today. Some prefab reconstruction had to be done, the roughouts didn't always match the windows. Some were to large and some were to small. The master bedroom window is now a foot taller than it used to be, and the garage windows were made for a 6 inch wall. We have 4 inch walls in the garage. So some additional retro fit will have to be done.

Josh has diverted his crew to the other job for most of this week. The windows need to be sealed in, and he has a list of other tasks that need to be completed. So they should be back later this week. They still have another full day's work to be done.

Now I will be getting a new plumber, ordering the siding, and doing a lot of site clean up. In the meantime, we used "appearance grade" posts and beams on all of the porches and patio. They need to be stained and sealed. And the weather looks good for the rest of the week.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Windows Arrive

Got back from Sacramento today, and no one was there. The windows were due today, between 11 and 12. Five minutes later all of Josh's crew was on site, rolling out for work. The windows were a little late, driver kept getting lost. And with the lousy cell service here, it was hard to direct him in. The windows were large and heavy, so I picked up a clipboard, figured out which window was which, and told the crew where they should go. Always willing to lend a hand.

Most of the windows were installed today. Josh has another job that he's started, and wants to get the windows in fast. He has trusses coming in tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

In Sacramento

Last week, the rough-ins for the windows was completed, and tyvek (a moisture barrier for the exterior walls) was installed. Then on Saturday, we put on the roof felt (tar paper). So now the house is dried in. Last week and Monday, work was done on the stairs, so we can walk down without using a ladder. Also on Monday the rough framing for the fireplace and the tub in the master bath was done.

The windows, that were due last week, are coming in next Monday.

My plumber called me Sunday. He's injured his back, and won't be able to start right away. He could be out for anywhere from a week to 4 months. I will be checking with him this week.

I'm taking some time in Sacramento, this week. Eileen's dad, Ralph (Bud) Buamgardner, died last Friday. Bud was one of Tom Brockhaw's "Greatest Generation." A World War Two Vet, who served with distinction in India and Burma. Loved his wife and children. Sunday was Bud and Polly's 64th wedding anniversary, and the haven't been apart for a single one. He went to be with her.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

House Roof Sheeting Complete

Yesterday, the crew optimistically thought we would be done with the house roof sheeting today. And it happened. Some busting of butts was done today, so they could get it done. For my part, on a day like to day, I did my best just to stay out of the way.

Monday, June 2, 2008

I was limited by space for the last update. So we need to continue with the introductions on another post. We got to Steve on the last one. Here's Jessie. Also, new to the crew, but been around construction for quite a while is Keith. Josh used to work for Keith, but Keith decided to retire. Kind of like my retirement, we get to work when we want to.

House Trusses Continue

Today, we completed installation of the house trusses. With in installation of the porch beam, the last of the trusses could be installed. All that remains now is finishing the sofits, and the house roof sheeting.

Josh and his crew should be done by Friday. So, I'd better let you know who's who, before they leave. Again, ensuring the site is clean of all food scraps, and that no one over eats, is Hersey. Mellow dog extraordinaire.

Josh is my contractor through this phase, shown here ensuring the trusses don't fly into the air. Chris is Josh's main man, making sure everything continues when he's not here. Chris often leads the jobs. Guy, is a reformed cement worker. Always learning his new position, and working hard. Steve, Skeeter, loves his high work and is always singing. Most people around the site like it when he's further away when he is singing. Jessie, Junior, big time organizer, and learning his trade. Hard not to imagine him running his own outfit soon.